It’s finally time! #amreading#CharlesBukowski – Also there’s black coffee! #OnWriting#FridayReadspic.twitter.com/GkSK27zoYD
— Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) July 31, 2015
I spent this weekend reading through most (not all yet) of the newest collection of Bukowski’s work. On Writing is a collection of various letters Bukowski sent to editors and publishers over the years. Throughout the letters he talks a lot about the craft however, and through reading I was able to bring out some inspiration and get a decent amount of writing done this weekend – 12 poems (each in need of editing, but at least they exist). After having read most all of his work it was nice to hear/read his voice again. Makes me wonder what it would be like if he was around today and had a twitter account… that’d be pretty awesome to see.
featured/cover image via bukowski.net