You can grab the newest Charles Splints Case “Park Ave – Part 1” for FREE on Smashwords!
This collection offers another glimpse into some of my poetry that deals with heartache and life’s struggles. Poems about chasing dreams, or falling from grace only to climb back up and live again in bliss. FREE EBOOK
Issue #1 of Diesel released recently and it’s sure to become a classic. You can read my full 5 STAR review of it on All-Comic.com (check the tweet below for a direct link). By Tyson Hesse “Keep your head out…
Weekend reading! Arrived!!! #Saga Vol.5 #Comics@ImageComicspic.twitter.com/c3ATSklvCj — Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) September 17, 2015 #amreading (and it’s really reallly good) pic.twitter.com/awYi5koeC6 — Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) September 16, 2015 Some more #books that arrived today… #Poetry by Tony Hoagland! pic.twitter.com/XMbzYTJxDj — Dan…
The best part about finding a new author to read is you have a whooooole lot of books to catch up on. That’s how I felt when I was given Sphere by author Michael Crichton. I read it in a…