Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Part 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Park Ave By: Dan Leicht Chapter 10: I followed him up to the next floor but he wasn’t there, it was as if he’d vanished. Only the first few doors…
I woke up to the smoke alarm going off. Never rings on pasta night, but it sure knows how to invade dreamland during the good parts. I’d have to learn French after the next night cap. Once to my feet…
Chapter 2: I heard about the arsonist by listening to a man whine at the end of the bar, the one on Alexander St. He griped to the barkeep about how an old women he delivers the paper to every…
Case #48 – By Dan Leicht (featuring @CharlesSplints) I can hear them talking you know. They think they’re so slick with their slang, think it’s helping them conceal what’s really being said. Sooner or later, my luck probably sooner, one…