By: Andrez Bergen Renee Asher Pickup (Chapters 7-8) From the author of Bullet Gal, Andrez Bergen, comes the novelization of his hard-boiled comic series Trista and Holt. In the comic series Bergen would often take clips from the media and…
By: Andrez Bergen Renee Asher Pickup (Chapters 7-8) From the author of Bullet Gal, Andrez Bergen, comes the novelization of his hard-boiled comic series Trista and Holt. In the comic series Bergen would often take clips from the media and…
Park Ave (PART 1) Chapters 1-5 A Charles Splints Case By Dan Leicht Chapter 1: The teapot screaming woke me up. I must’ve fallen asleep at my desk again after another long night patrolling the streets of Brooksend like…