You can find the original post for this story on tumblr BREAK A Short Story By: Dan Leicht He rested his mug on the table and rubbed the scruff on his chin. He’d been writing an essay for three hours…
It’s finally time! #amreading#CharlesBukowski – Also there’s black coffee! #OnWriting#FridayReadspic.twitter.com/GkSK27zoYD — Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) July 31, 2015 I spent this weekend reading through most (not all yet) of the newest collection of Bukowski’s work. On Writing is a collection of…
The best part about finding a new author to read is you have a whooooole lot of books to catch up on. That’s how I felt when I was given Sphere by author Michael Crichton. I read it in a…