Chapter 2: I heard about the arsonist by listening to a man whine at the end of the bar, the one on Alexander St. He griped to the barkeep about how an old women he delivers the paper to every…
East Ave Part 3 of 5 (Hard-boiled, Detective Fiction – Featuring Charles Splints) By Dan Leicht “Tell me something about yourself,” said Splints to his new informant. “Who are you? You weren’t supposed to be back there!” replied the man…
East Ave Part 2 of 5 By Dan Leicht Charles Splints finished his second glass of scotch and nodded to the young barkeep. The whiskey-slinger paid no mind as the detective headed for the door. Splints was hoping to spark…
It’s finally time! #amreading#CharlesBukowski – Also there’s black coffee! #OnWriting#FridayReadspic.twitter.com/GkSK27zoYD — Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) July 31, 2015 I spent this weekend reading through most (not all yet) of the newest collection of Bukowski’s work. On Writing is a collection of…