Park Ave – A Charles Splints Case By: Dan Leicht Chapter 11: “So, you going to tell me what you know?” he asked as he pulled up a chair in front of me and took a seat. “How is this…
Park Ave Chapter 4: A Charles Splints Case By Dan Leicht At the bar I tried to figure out what could have been taken from my apartment before the arsonist burnt it down. With the TV on someone had been…
East Ave Part 2 of 5 By Dan Leicht Charles Splints finished his second glass of scotch and nodded to the young barkeep. The whiskey-slinger paid no mind as the detective headed for the door. Splints was hoping to spark…
It’s finally time! #amreading#CharlesBukowski – Also there’s black coffee! #OnWriting#FridayReadspic.twitter.com/GkSK27zoYD — Dan Leicht (@Deeliopunk) July 31, 2015 I spent this weekend reading through most (not all yet) of the newest collection of Bukowski’s work. On Writing is a collection of…