Park Ave/ PART 3 By Dan Leicht Chapter 14: In just a day the streets had become barren. The real Splints figured it was because we had found out about the shapeshifters, perhaps sending them into a panic. We stopped…
Park Ave/ PART 3 By Dan Leicht Chapter 14: In just a day the streets had become barren. The real Splints figured it was because we had found out about the shapeshifters, perhaps sending them into a panic. We stopped…
Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave A Charles Splints CaseĀ By: Dan Leicht Chapter 12: I began to tell him what I knew about the case. He had told me he was hoping to locate his friend Glenn Hardrow, but was sure the inevitable…