A note is left at the door by quick footsteps containing an address. Splints follows it to learn there’s more than just crime bosses and thieves in Brooksend, but the supernatural as well. Charles Splints is an aging detective kicked…
Park Ave (PART 1) Chapters 1-5 A Charles Splints Case By Dan Leicht Chapter 1: The teapot screaming woke me up. I must’ve fallen asleep at my desk again after another long night patrolling the streets of Brooksend like…
Park Ave Chapter 4: A Charles Splints Case By Dan Leicht At the bar I tried to figure out what could have been taken from my apartment before the arsonist burnt it down. With the TV on someone had been…
I bought new poems instead of groceries the fridge bare but the bookcase bulging I bought new Hoagland over bread and butter for the price I could’ve gotten potatoes bread, apples, meat but instead I wanted poetry something different to…