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A Short Story By: Dan Leicht
He rested his mug on the table and rubbed the scruff on his chin. He’d been writing an essay for three hours straight and decided it was time he take a break. From the table to the refrigerator was about ten feet in his apartment, but something happened that made the journey for a sparkling water considerably more difficult.
His phone screen lit up beside him and he saw a text from her, the one who couldn’t decide where she wanted to eat. She picked a chain restaurant, one she looked up to find was close by his apartment. With a masterful reply in mind he picked up his phone and was zapped by what he thought was static electricity. Again he went for the phone, and again he was repelled. Read more ›
Park Ave/PART 3
By: Dan Leicht
Chapter 15:
“What is it?” I asked. I couldn’t see myself, but admittedly felt stronger than before.
“You look like me from about twenty years ago. The jacket doesn’t even fit you right anymore.”
“It must be the vial,” I said before taking another sip.
“The fountain of youth was in me all along. That’s something for the movies, write that down.”
Hardrow was trying to sneak by us but was stopped as Splints stuck a boot out and blocked him. The cat looked up and gave a whimpering face, much like that of a child. Though the eyes of a cat they looked hauntingly human as he stared up at us. Read more ›
This was a story I wrote during a poetry class a few years ago. The prompt given to us was to start writing anything, but it had to start with “I Remember”. The timer started and we had to write without stopping for an extended period of time, forget how long exactly, but it was quite a while. This is the story that came from that prompt.
Charles Splints is a character I first wrote about in the story “Losing Focus on Reality” in my story collection Blissfire. After that I went on to write about a younger version of him in the short story Devil. After that I just found the character too much fun to let go of – I’ve since wrote a lot more stories featuring the gritty detective. See below! Read more ›
Park Ave/ PART 3
By Dan Leicht
Chapter 14:
In just a day the streets had become barren. The real Splints figured it was because we had found out about the shapeshifters, perhaps sending them into a panic. We stopped at the bar on Alexander for a morning cocktail only to find the door was locked.
“Barkeep usually opens this place early for the folks who work the night shifts at the hospital. Gives them somewhere to go, and me somewhere to feel like the world wants us to forget all our troubles, no matter the time of day.” He walked around to the back of the building, with me once again following. It felt strange for me to be following someone else so closely on a case I felt so confidently before to have a grasp on. The realization I was just another imposter triggered something in me, a cowardice almost, a fear of the unknown. I latched onto his bravery, like a child to their parents. In a world where I once felt in control I was finding myself powerless. Read more ›
This was a story I wrote during a poetry class a few years ago. The prompt given to us was to start writing anything, but it had to start with “I Remember”. The timer started and we had to write without stopping for an extended period of time, forget how long exactly, but it was quite a while. This is the story that came from that prompt.
Park Ave/PART 3
By: Dan Leicht
Chapter 13:
The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her legs lean like those of a sprinter, her stomach chiseled like a body builder, her face transformed into a mix of features as if a monster from a fairy tale. The disproportionate appendages made for a strange stagger to her movement and her body snapped wildly as it made adjustments. She could speak no true words, only a collection of snarls and hacking noises.
Park Ave featuring Charles Splints will be a four part series. Originally this story was going to be along the same lines as East Ave, which was a one part story consisting of 5 chapters. While writing though it’s become apparent there’s a bigger story to tell with this one (and writing action scenes involving shapeshifters is a lot of fun). So in order to keep with the theme of shorter chapters (that have been increasing in length over time) I’m going to add a fourth part onto the series. Hope people enjoy it! This story is a lot of fun to put together. So many twists! – Dan
PARK AVE Parts 1 and 2 Available FREE On Both Smashwords and Wattpad!