Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave featuring Charles Splints will be a four part series. Originally this story was going to be along the same lines as East Ave, which was a one part story consisting of 5 chapters. While writing though it’s become apparent…
Park Ave – A Charles Splints Case By: Dan Leicht Chapter 11: “So, you going to tell me what you know?” he asked as he pulled up a chair in front of me and took a seat. “How is this…
The newest Charles Splints case “Park Ave” just finished it’s Part 1 recently. Part 1 features 5 chapters, each of which are the length of flash fiction pieces. Parts 2 and 3 will both be composed of similar chapter lengths,…
Park Ave Chapter 5: (Part 1) By Dan Leicht An hour went by and I was on the verge of putting Hardrow into a check. He was taking longer than usual with his turns, as if waiting for a timer…
Park Ave Chapter 4: A Charles Splints Case By Dan Leicht At the bar I tried to figure out what could have been taken from my apartment before the arsonist burnt it down. With the TV on someone had been…
Chapter 2: I heard about the arsonist by listening to a man whine at the end of the bar, the one on Alexander St. He griped to the barkeep about how an old women he delivers the paper to every…
Chapter 1: The teapot screaming woke me up. I must’ve fallen asleep at my desk again after another long night patrolling the streets of Brooksend like some sort of vigilante. A new case had brought me out of hiding and…
A note is left at the door by quick footsteps containing an address. Splints follows it to learn there’s more than just crime bosses and thieves in Brooksend, but the supernatural as well. Charles Splints is an aging detective kicked…