Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave/PART 3 By: Dan Leicht Chapter 13: The second nurse had transformed into a mash up of everyone she’d consumed the blood off. Her arms and fists were those of a power lifter from a strong man competition, her…
Park Ave featuring Charles Splints will be a four part series. Originally this story was going to be along the same lines as East Ave, which was a one part story consisting of 5 chapters. While writing though it’s become apparent…
Park Ave A Charles Splints Case By: Dan Leicht Chapter 12: I began to tell him what I knew about the case. He had told me he was hoping to locate his friend Glenn Hardrow, but was sure the inevitable…
Park Ave – A Charles Splints Case By: Dan Leicht Chapter 11: “So, you going to tell me what you know?” he asked as he pulled up a chair in front of me and took a seat. “How is this…
Park Ave – By Dan Leicht Part 2 Chapter 6: I woke up to find my arm stuck to an IV set. The small screen in the corner of the room was hissing white noise quietly. My clothes I could…
Part 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Park Ave By: Dan Leicht Chapter 10: I followed him up to the next floor but he wasn’t there, it was as if he’d vanished. Only the first few doors…
Part 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9: The hallway was barely lit by the moon leaking through the bloodstained windows. I was being compelled to follow a scent without knowing where it would lead. It was driving…
Part 2 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 They wouldn’t calm down. On either side of me they howled as if trying to hold back a demonic transformation. I would have abandoned the bed if I wasn’t in the same…
PART 2 Chapter 7: Having to make a quick decision, the undead nurse crawling across the floor behind me, a horde of them growing closer from the left of the hallway, I made a mad dash for the right…